We successfully hotpatched in the speedup change into Alpha 8, with only minor bugs reported by @Josh’s excellent QA we can shift our focus into our next set of features.
Mainly subnet dao integration, which I want to target for the end of next week, what we need is
- Web3 querying of the subnet dao on full nodes
- Some level of tunnel management (slated for the next couple of days, probably not for-real since we don’t want to break people)
- A new frontend page with the basic of subnet dao viewing
- the backend endpoitns for said new frondend page
@jkilpatr :
Working on
- Fixing the last problems from Alpha 8
Working on
- Tunnel lifetime management, including cleaning up old tunnels
Working on
- out this week
Working on
- tested the latest release, good work. We’ll have new builds in a few days, should get some radios soon.
Working on
- Subnet dao contracts and aragon
Working on
- Transaction/Ring research