Kademlia: A peer to peer information system based on the XOR metric Mazieres *
A simple pragmatic approach to mesh routing using BATMAN Johnson, Ntlatlapa, Aichele *
Routing Security in Ad Hoc Networks Lundberg *
CORE: A Collaborative Reputation Mechanism to enforce cooperation in mobile ad hoc networks Michiardi, Molva
SEAD: secure efficient distance vector routing for mobile wireless and ad hoc networks Hu, Johnson, Perrig
Securely Entrusted Multi Topology Routing for Community Networks Neumann, Lopez, Cerda-Alabern, Navarro
Real-world performance of current proactive multi-hop mesh protocols Abolhasan, Hagelstein , Wang *
Pushing Chord into the Underlay: Scalable Routing for Hybrid MANETs Fuhrmann, Di, Kutzner, Cramer
securing the scalable source routing protocol Kutzner, Wallenta, Fuhrmann *
The Babel Routing Protocol Chroboczek